Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week of 4 February 1930

Monday, 4 February
RMSS Saxon
Rolling better but still continuous. Played tenniquoits. Walked about a lot.
Finished reading Expiation by author of Elizabethan ? Garden. Reading Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather.
Miles 371
Tuesday, 5 February
Dropped anchor about 6.30 am at Funchal, Madeira. Large number of first class passengers disembarked.
Left at 11 am. Warm when sheltered at Funchal Bay but cold when we set off to sea. All moved our deck chairs to starboard side.
Played tenniquits. Reading My Brother Jonathan.
Miles 292
Wednesday, 6 February
Polly up at breakfast. I played tenniquoits and deck quoits. Meeting to organise sports etc.
Miles 382
Friday, 8 February
After dinner, Polly, Miss Shipston and I had coffee with the captain in his cabin. An informal concert on ? deck at night.
Had an interesting talk with H...... Smit about South Africa and relived ? fights in which we were on opposite sides in the SA War 1899-2002.
Miles 386
Saturday, 9 February
Steaming hot. Very sticky. Flying fish and porpoises about. I won the "Decimal" sweep today: 25/-.
380 miles
Sunday, 10 February
Services in Saloon 10.30 am taken by the Captain of the Ship (Captain Shilston). Not much doing today. I felt very drowsy.