Monday, 27 June 1927
Edwardstone House
The engine ran all night and the batteries were fully charged by the morning. Polly switched on the current and we tested all plugs and installed lamps in all ? Mr Jekyll came out with the carpenter and plumber - and he looked at our hot water boiler and pipes, and recommended various things. Car was washed in afternoon by Carpenter. All lamps lighted in the house in the evening. We had a fire in the smoking room all day.
Tuesday, 28 June
Polly and Betty went into Ipswich in the afternoon to do some shopping. Work steadily proceeding in the house. Water for baths very good in the evening.
Wednesday, 29 June
Eclipse of the sun - began at 5.26 am. We got up to look at it but owing to the clouds could see nothing so went to bed and slept through it all!! Polly went to Sudbury in the car to do some shopping. We said goodbye to Mr Wallace and his party who left for London having finished the electric lighting installation. A Mr Warner of Ipswich came out and gave us a demonstration of Permutet Water Softener. We had a Damper Regulator fitted on the boiler in the boiler room today.
Thursday, 30 June
I drove Polly and Pippa to Colchester station for the 9.35 am train to London and fetched Pippa back in evening. The carpets and grandfather clock etc. after restarting and training etc. Telephone extension fitted in back passage. Drawing room was covered with grey paint. Johnny Evans turned up in afternoon from Earls Colne and stayed to tea with Betty and me. Afterwards we went down to the cellar and J.E. collected innumerable newts and a few young frogs with a film of cottage, and then put them in a pond outside near the road.
Friday, 1 July
Did a lot of jobs in house and regulated the "tell-tale" of the cistern. Betty and I motored into Sudbury and did some chores. Miss C ? from Edwardstone Hall called. Polly rang up from London to say the tods had arrived safely.
Saturday, 2 July
Edwardstone House - 42 Egerton Crescent, London SW3
Busy in house and garden till afternoon - then motored to Colchester and went up to town - saw Anne and Wilma with Polly at 15 Pelham Crescent at tea, just back from a matinee. Both the children very tired after their journey of yesterday.
I attended 36 (Ulster) Div Dinner at Hotel C?. 36 present.
Sunday, 3 July
42 Egerton Crescent, London SW3 - Edwardstone House
Polly, Anne, Wilma and I travelled down by train, leaving Liverpool St at 9.45 am for Colchester, and motored out here. Children very excited with the house. Anne had a temperature and went to bed after lunch. We put up the nets for the tennis grounds in afternoon.
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