Monday, 6 June 1927
Fleece Inn, Boxford
We worked in the garden and in the house all day. Lunched and had tea in the smoking room.
Mr Jekyll of Stearn and Co. of Ipswich came out in the morning and went all over the house with us, with Mr Hopkin's specifications, and measured with a view to proposing an estimate of the alterations, repairs and decorations.
Tuesday, 7 June
Polly and I went to Sudbury, bought garden tools, opened an account at Lloyds Bank, got some plants from Cundy's Nursery. Mr Wellam and another arrived for the electric lighting and we went all through the house with him to fix points and switches. Spinner's man arrived and got to work at once on the gas plant.
We worked in the garden.
P and B cleaned furniture and sorted out books.
The telephone installed in smoking room and used for the first time. "BOXFORD 15".
Wednesday, 8 June
Arranged with Kingsbury, local builder, to remove the covered way to the front door - this to be started tomorrow.
I was busy with filming net for the strawberry bed. Leslie came over in afternoon and stayed to tea. He brought over two tables, the compass and a model ship. Mr Hooper, the architect, and Mr Jekyll, the builder from Ipswich, came over and we went through the list of decorations etc. and cut down a lot of items.
Thursday, 9 June
The covered roof and trellis to walk to front door taken down - a great improvement. The gas installation practically finished today. I put the netting over the strawberry bushes. Polly and Betty to Ipswich in the morning.
Friday, 10 June
We went over all the carpets and curtains - measured them and the rooms into which we propose to put them - found several carpets with moths in them.
The Petrol? Gas Installation finished today and the cooking stove tested - all going well.
In afternoon we removed the rose bushes from alongside the walk in front of the house and put them in on the west side of tennis lawn.
Saturday, 11 June
Mr Head of Sudbury came and looked over the curtains and furniture and arranged to send his foreman on Monday to measure carpets and rooms.
We put up one of the old Clapham dinner services on the walls of the hall and think they go very well.
Tennis lawn mown in the afternoon.
Sunday, 12 June
We all four went to church at Boxford at 11 am. After lunch I fetched the car from the house. P and B went for a short walk to ? Box, west of our house.
We started off about 3 pm and drove to Aspall Hall, near Debenham, and had tea with J and B and Isabel Chevalier. Per...? was there too. We walked over the orchards etc. and Polly went over the house. We went via Needham Market and came back via Sproughton. Lovely drive.
62 miles.
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