Monday, 23 May 1927
Sutton Bridge - Blakeney (Norfolk)
We left the Bridge Hotel about 11.45 and motored through Kings Lynn to Hunstanton, where we got a few things for lunch which we had at Old Hunstanton on the Sands near the golf links. P and B went for a long walk with their shoes off on the sands.
We motored on to Brancaster - looked at the beach near the golf club house - then on to Blakeney. Went into the big hotel - very nice - much too expensive for us though - so got two rooms at White Horse Inn which is shown as an RAC inn... Very comfortable - tea at a teashop - supper in our inn about 8.30. P and B took a long walk and Polly and I walked a good bit. All very picturesque but the tide runs out early and leaves no water in the channel.
Tuesday, 24 May
Blakeney - Thetford
We walked about on the marshes and watched the tide coming in - lunched in a little restaurant and then left and drove down to Norwich and visited the cathedral. After tea we drove on to Thetford and put up at The Bell, a Trust House. A very attractive old inn with a mass of old oak.
Walked along the river after dinner. Pippa very busy on a crossword puzzle.
60 miles
Wednesday, 25 May
Thetford - East Bergholt
We left Thetford about 11.30 and stopped at Bury St Edmunds to get some food for lunch. We stopped at Lavenham to look at the church and then stopped for lunch a mile or two to the south of the village. Then came on via Via Newton and Stoke by Nayland to East Bergholt about 3.15 pm. Pippa and Betty drove a good part of the way.
Today's run: 43.5 miles. I washed the car on our return. Letters from Anne and Wilma. Leslie and Kenny came over in their car after tea, for Ken to say goodbye as he is to leave London for Odessa on Saturday - that is if the journey is not prevented by the rupture of diplomatic relations. Leslie is going up with him to London.
Total number of miles for the trip: 346
Thursday, 26 May
Polly and I motored to Colchester station and took the 9.35 train to London. She went by Inner Circle to 15 Pelham Crescent and I went first to Spensers Ltd to arrange about to.....?? to take down next week to Edwardstone House and to see about gas cooking installations. Then to Cox and Co. where I signed several transfers on sale of stock and arranged about a Banker's Draft for payment for property. Then to a haircutter's - then lunch at a Sandwich Bar in Cranbourne St. - then to 37 Lincolns Inn Fields where we had a meeting of 3 of Committee 110 ?? Dinner Club. Then an interview with Tooth about legal business of Edwardstone House. Then back to Cox and Co. but it was closed so I caught an earlier train back to Colchester.
P and B had taken their lunch out and gone for a long walk near Hadleigh.
Friday, 27 May
Pippa, Betty and I to Ipswich in the car. I visited the East Anglian Cooperative Society about purchase of roller, mowing machines, etc. and also to Sun Fire Office about insurance of furniture on ?? and about other business. P and B did shopping and dress making.
Writing letters in afternoon. Betty darning my socks. Bet and I took a walk beyond Flatford Mill after tea.
Saturday, 28 May
I was at work on the car in the morning. P and B busy washing stockings etc and Pippa at her crossword puzzles.
In afternoon P and B played tennis with the Halford girls and I went to tea and went over some of the grounds with the Halfords.
Sunday, 29 May
I went to church in the morning and in the afternoon drive to Freston and had tea with Leslie.
P and B busy with crossword puzzles, etc.
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