Monday, 2 May 1927
East Bergholt
Polly called up Leslie as usual. Rather poor account of Kitty who had slept for only a short time last night - breathing difficult - had had oxygen frequently. Pippa, Betty and I walked over to Green's mills at Brantham to see Kohler Electric Lights. After lunch we motored to Freston. Pippa and Betty drove the car. We found Kitty flushed and drained and looking very ill.
We went on to Ipswich and left the car at Lock and Stagg's garage to have main shaft removed and tested for tyres as the vibration has been getting worse. I had hair cut. We came back by bus.
Tuesday, 3 May
Poor account of Kitty. Doctor had found her not well last night. Lung no worse but breathing difficult. Bet and I bussed into Ipswich - both attended Mrs Harris, chiropodist. Had tea and drove back. The fibre disc joint on the car was the one that gave the trouble. Betty drove part of the way home and did very well. She slightly damaged .... mudguard when reversing to enter the garage.
Wednesday, 4 May
I took the car to Rogers' garage and had the mudguard removed. After lunch, when it had been beaten out and fitted on again, we borrowed an old Remington typewriter. Polly and both girls sat out on the tennis lawn writing short stories, the sun being hot.
After tea, Polly and I motored to Freston and saw Kitty. She breathed with difficulty but was not looking so badly as sometimes. She is very weak and rather more depressed. Leslie was very depressed.
Thursday, 5 May
We motored to Ipswich (Polly and I), cashed cheques, got garden seeds and small gifts for Wilma's birthday at Woolworth's - then on to Freston and saw Kitty - much the same as yesterday - breathing rather difficult - has had several whiffs of oxygen - but she talked and was interested in things. In afternoon Polly, Betty and I to Edwardstone. Betty drove there and Polly back. I handed over seeds and potatoes to Carpenter to put in for me.
After tea I scraped and enamelled a wing on the car. Polly and I took a walk after dinner.
Friday, 6 May
We did not take the car out today. Polly rang Leslie up morning and evening and heard that Kitty was about the same as yesterday.
I wrote letters before lunch. Polly and the girls sat out on the lawn and wrote stories. I worked at the car in afternoon - filled up the batteries and scraped and enamelled near front wing. P and B went for a walk in the evening and later Polly and I took a walk.
Saturday, 7 May
Poor account of Kitty by telephone.
We all four motored to Ipswich and did various chores, then on to Freston. We found poor Kitty very breathless and having oxygen frequently. She has been wandering a good deal and had retching again. We only stayed with her for a few minutes.
In afternoon Polly typed out a story she had written and I fell fast asleep when reading the paper. After tea we called on Mrs Batham and Miss Case and I did some hoeing of weeds on the drive behind our little house.
Polly and I went for a walk after dinner.
Sunday, 8 May
A poor account of Kitty - wandering a good deal. We did not take the car out today.
Polly and I to church in the morning - no sermon. Wrote letters and read in afternoon, and Polly and I took a long walk in the afternoon. P and B took a walk too. I sent the estimates for electric lighting to Ted Chamington today for his advice. Wrote to Cosh.
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