Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week of 12 September 1927

Monday, 12 September 1927

Edwardstone House

Dr Rix called and saw Mabel - found no further spread of patch on lung - Gran up and about again. Man from Dixon and Scott put the stove to work in the small ? and heated up the pipes; also cleaned the exhaust pipe of the paraffin Hornsby Engine for pumping. I worked at cleaning glass and many other jobs. Polly drove Gran, Anne and Wilma to Sudbury in the evening and got flower pots for bulbs.

Tuesday, 13 September

Polly, Betty, Anne and Wilma to Ipswich in the morning. Anne was taken to Mrs Harris who told her she would not be given any more chiropody for some time, and the dentist (Brown) gave a good report of her mouth.

Pippa drove with Anne to Colchester in the afternoon and met Mrs Welfare and her two little girls from London, and brought them back for a stay here.

I worked at greenhouse and we potted a number of bulbs for winter flowering: hyacinths, tulips and narcissus.

Wednesday, 14 September

I drove with Pippa, Betty and Wilma to the Bonseys at Groton Rectory and then on with their party to Semer? where there was a meet of the otter hounds at 10 am. I came back with the car and Polly went to Monks Eleigh in the afternoon and watched the hunt with Anne and saw two otters killed. The girls were very wet, having waded in the stream (River Brett) a great deal. Wilma was blooded and given a pad. Very wet in the evening. During the day we put up two more lights in the greenhouse. We painted and reglazed.

Dr Rix called and saw Mabel - said she was getting on satisfactorily, but it is a wearisome illness and the temperature was up in the evening.

Thursday, 15 September

I worked at greenhouse lights with Carpenter - and in fact all day - Polly drive to Sudbury in the afternoon with Gran. The children went for walks. Mabel seems better today and her temperature was down this evening.

Friday, 16 September

Polly, Betty, Anne and Wilma to Ipswich in the morning to take Wilma to dentist and get clothes etc. for school outfit. I worked all day at the greenhouse lights.

Dr Rix called and found Mabel better - at least he considered her better.

The Electric Lights went very weak at night. I had not charged up during the day.

Saturday, 17 September

I could not start the electric light engine as the current for the battery was too weak.

Sunday, 18 September

I went to church in morning - no-one else from the family - Went for a walk with Betty via Coopers wood - the Box - and back by Edwardstone church. Some gardening after tea - clearing away sweet pea hedge, etc.

Dr Rix paid a visit today and found Mabel progressing well.

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