Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week of 4 April 1927

Monday, 4 April 1927

East Bergholt

Kitty had a very sleepless night. Polly and I wrote letters in morning and after lunch went by bus to Ipswich - did some shopping and took away the car from Lock and Stagg, Friars Road, where she had been taken to have exhaust pipe repaired. We drive to Freston and found Kitty depressed and poorly, poor thing.

Back to tea and took a walk afterwards.

Tuesday, 5 April -

East Bergholt - Bethersden

Better news about Kitty.

Polly and I left in the car about 10.20 am and had a good run to Maidstone where Polly went off to London and I went on alone to Oakhurst. Fine all the time bar a few drops of rain - the hood not put up. Cosh, ?? and Charmian did not arrive till 5.30, and I arrived about 3.30. Went for a walk with the dogs. Cosh and ?? had been up to London for one night to fetch Charmian back from school for the holidays.

Wednesday, 6 April


I drove the car to Ashford in the morning and left it at Hayward to be overhauled. I was brought back by ?? in the Humber.

Cosh and I worked at taking down an old fence and putting in posts with barbed wire.

Thursday, 7 April

Went up to town. ?? drove me to Ashford. I met Polly at Charing X station. We went to Cox and Co. in Pall Mall and interviewed a man in their Stock Dept. about what would be best to sell out to buy the house.

Lunched at 15 Pelham Court.

Left Charing X 3.15 and arrived Ashford 4.41. Took a bus out to Bethersden. Looked in at Hayward's garage at Ashford and found the overhaul to car was finished. Got a letter in evening requesting me to go to town again tomorrow. Regimental History Committee.

Friday, 8 April

Cosh drove me to Ashford and I trained up to London - attended meeting of the Regimental History Committee - 27th Inniskilling at Col. Grangesock's room at the Horse Guards - Lt Gen. Sir Trevor Clarke in the chair.... We sat from 2 to 4 pm. Talked about the second volume and publication date, etc. Got back to Ashford 6.30. Got the car out from Hayward's Garage after her overhaul and on return to Oakhurst found Cosh speaking to Polly on the telephone. Kitty is very ill and sinking and Leslie had rung Polly up . I later rang up Leslie and he said that Polly and I had better not come back.

Saturday, 9 April

I motored to Shorncliffe and lunched with the 27th Inniskilling. ?? took me round to the sergeant's mess first where I met one or two who knew me. I looked at many old objects of interest in the mess.

Cosh and I put up fencing in the evening.

We called up Leslie in the morning and heard that poor Kitty was much the same. The swelling he thought had extended slightly.

Sunday, 10 April

Cosh and I took a walk in the wood and found footprints of otters along the stream and traces of foxes.

After lunch Cosh, Charmian and I in Cosh's car drove to a place where the local hunt point-to-point is to be held next Saturday.

After tea Cosh and I took a walk with the dogs. Listened in to the St Martin's-in-the-Fields broadcast service after dinner. Reverend R.L. Sheppard's address.

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